Reviving age‑old methods: using baking and cinnamon to tackle mould in potting soil
2:13 PM EST, February 5, 2024, updated: 4:14 AM EST, March 7, 2024
Mould and fungi in potting soil pose severe threats to our cherished plants. This scenario typically unfolds whenever there's a moisture issue in the home. High humidity levels mean the plants require less water, making it easy to overwater them. This, in turn, can lead to the soil being infected with fungi and mould.
Reviving an old trick: baking potting soil
If we independently collect soil, such as from a meadow, it may come home infected with fungi and microorganisms. The same can occur when purchasing soil from stores. However, prevention of these issues can be achieved through a straightforward method.
Drying out the potting soil is an effective, simple trick that our forebears used to prevent planting flowers in mold-infested soil. What's our course of action? If there's a white coating on soil lumps, that part should be discarded. The rest can be spread onto a sheet and placed in an oven, set to a temperature of 194 degrees Fahrenheit, for a span of half an hour.
It's important not to cover the soil during baking. It should be allowed to evaporate freely. Throughout heating, it's advised to stir the soil multiple times for thorough drying. This process sterilizes the soil, eliminating fungi, mold and harmful plants microorganisms or insects. Once the soil has cooled, it's ready for use.
Mitigating mold in your pot
Cinnamon is a potent natural remedy against fungi in potted plants. If you notice mold in a plant's pot, simply collect part of the soil that has the characteristic white coating and sprinkle a teaspoon of this spice. For increased effectiveness, mix it into the top layer of soil.
However, keep in mind that not every white coating indicates mold. In some instances, this could be a lime deposit resulting from watering plants with hard water. While it doesn't harm flowers, it can look unsightly. Therefore, it's advisable to use filtered or boiled water for watering the plants.