LifestyleRevive your lawn naturally: Combatting fungal issues this Spring

Revive your lawn naturally: Combatting fungal issues this Spring

In many gardens, the onset of post-winter tasks is now underway. Often, there's a need to rejuvenate the lawn, addressing gaps that may have formed due to fungal diseases, among other reasons. Tackling these issues with natural methods is worth considering.

field of grass in spring
yvelines department, france, april 21,2021
field of grass in spring yvelines department, france, april 21,2021
Images source: © GETTY | Martial Colomb

A lush, verdant lawn is the aspiration of nearly every garden and allotment owner. Unfortunately, in spring, the lawn is frequently in less-than-ideal condition. The melting snow reveals a disheartening sight of mold, light-gray spots, or patches of thinning grass.

While garden centers are stocked with specialized products to fight off common fungal afflictions post-winter, it is advisable to opt for a natural approach as an initial step. Often, simple maintenance can restore the lawn to its former glory.

Identifying fungal diseases on your lawn

Fungal issues can plague lawns year-round, not just after winter. In spring, snow mold is a common sight, characterized by brown spots around 8 inches in diameter, which may turn white-pink, especially in the morning when humidity levels are higher.

Under sunlight, one might notice orange spores in these affected areas. Unfortunately, if mold sets in, the grass begins to wither, and without intervention, the problem could spread to larger sections of the garden.

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Effectively dealing with lawn fungi

One straightforward method for addressing fungal infections is to delicately comb out the infected area with dense, fine-toothed rakes. It’s crucial to perform this task gently to prevent infection from spreading to healthy grass. It's also important to remove not just the affected grass blades but the underlying soil as well.

Afterward, refill the cleared spots with suitable lawn soil and reseed them. Once the new grass has been established, avoid using nitrogen-based fertilizers until September. Before winter, trim the grass to about 1.6 inches high and clear away any fallen leaves, which could foster disease.

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