LifestyleRevitalize your houseplants: A simple method using stale bread as fertilizer

Revitalize your houseplants: A simple method using stale bread as fertilizer

The ZZ plant is a common sight in our homes. This plant is not very demanding, so it has dedicated enthusiasts. While one can find many types of fertilizers in garden stores, it's essential to know that home methods of providing minerals and nutrients can be just as effective, if not more. This particular method is a well-known one amongst our grandparents.

Great fertilizer for zamioculcas - illustrative picture
Great fertilizer for zamioculcas - illustrative picture
Images source: © Adobe Stock | KOKHAN OLEKSANDRA

Unleashing the green. Discover what can aid it

Those with young ZZ plant seedlings in their houseplant collection should pay particular attention to this effective method. Begin by seeing if there's any stale bread in your kitchen.

It turns out that stale slices of bread contain valuable nitrogen and potassium, indispensable components for optimal plant growth. But how do you prepare fertilizer from stale bread?

First, crumble the bread into smaller pieces. Then, put the bread in a bowl and soak it with water. Weigh down the bowl with a plate, like when making sauerkraut, and leave it for about a week. When the bread starts to ferment, strain it from the water using a sieve. Pour the liquid into a bottle, which we store in the refrigerator. To use this homemade fertilizer, dilute the resulting substance with water at a 1:3 ratio.

Young ZZ plant seedlings should be watered once every three to four weeks. Older plants should receive the homemade fertilizer once a week.

The virtues of stale bread. But there's a catch

Bear in mind that not all stale bread is good for making fertilizer. We should not use bread that has already developed mold for this purpose. Such bread could only harm our plants.

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