TechRevealed: Leonardo da Vinci's 'Last Supper' may hide prediction of world's end

Revealed: Leonardo da Vinci's 'Last Supper' may hide prediction of world's end

"The Last Supper" is one of Leonardo da Vinci's more popular works.
"The Last Supper" is one of Leonardo da Vinci's more popular works.
Images source: © Public domain

4:33 AM EST, January 14, 2024

In 2010, Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galitzia pointed out allegedly hidden information within Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" fresco, a claim now recalled by the American website, IFL Science. Galitzia maintains that she decoded a "mathematical and astronomical" enigma, which da Vinci concealed in the painting to protect himself in perilous times. Galitzia's primary focus was on the lunette, a small vault situated within the main vault, located centrally above the window in the painting.

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Galitzia suggests that Leonardo da Vinci concealed information regarding the apocalypse, foretold to occur through a global flood, in the lunette. It is prophesied to begin on March 21, 4006, and conclude on November 1 of the same year. She believes the artist envisioned it as a "new beginning for humanity". However, Galitzia did not elaborate on her method for solving the purported riddle, leading to substantial scepticism within the scientific community.

"There is a da Vinci code - it's just not the one popularized by Dan Brown", Sabrina Sforza Galitzia stated in 2010.

Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated increasing interest in apocalyptic visions of the world towards the end of his life, according to IFL Science. Some historians even suggest that da Vinci seemed preoccupied with themes of death and destruction, seen through sketches he made, depicting phenomena such as fires raining from the sky or tempestuous seas, accompanied by notes forecasting the emergence of clouds and destructive incidents.

The American website also emphasizes suggestions that da Vinci's drawings may depict events he likely experienced in his lifetime, like storms or earthquakes. Nevertheless, historians have yet to validate this theory. Martin Clayton's explanation to the BBC appears more plausible, stating that the sketches "show da Vinci's awareness of the transitory nature of humanity and that everything will ultimately meet destruction."

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