Rescue your wilting orchids with a sprinkle of this common kitchen spice
4:58 AM EST, January 19, 2024
An orchid is a flower that is both demanding and capricious. It does not easily forgive mistakes. Still, orchid care is not as daunting as it may seem - it merely requires adherence to a few set rules which must be consistently applied. However, there might be times when flowers refuse to bloom and the leaves turn yellow. What can be done in such a case?
Yellow orchid leaves? Try sprinkling this on the soil to rejuvenate them quickly
When an orchid's leaves turn yellow, it signals serious errors in its care regime. The most common issues include overwatering, inadequate drainage, unsuitable soil selection, or insufficient light. Ideally, an orchid should grow in a transparent plastic pot with drainage, and the soil should blend with perlite and compost. Position the plant in a well-lit area.
Yellow leaves indicate that the orchid is not receiving the right conditions for growth. Fortunately, this can be easily rectified. There's a simple trick to make the yellow leaves of an orchid regain their former color. What's the catch?
The solution is simpler than you think: sprinkle the soil with cinnamon. Yes, cinnamon! It has antifungal and anti-mold properties. When added to the soil, it suppresses bacterial growth, thus protecting the plant from various diseases, particularly those that orchids are susceptible to. Simply sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon on the soil and gently mix it in, unless the leaves are already severely yellowed. In that case, the affected leaves should be removed, and the orchid repotted in fresh soil. If you have a cinnamon stick on hand, place it near the roots, but not too deep so as not to cause any damage.