LifestyleRepel pesky flies this summer: the simple and cost-effective household trick revealed

Repel pesky flies this summer: the simple and cost-effective household trick revealed

Most people, although eagerly waiting for summer, reluctantly anticipate one unpleasant aspect of this fantastic season. Of course, we're referring to insects.

How to get rid of flies from the house? Easy trick
How to get rid of flies from the house? Easy trick
Images source: © Pixabay, TikTok

As the temperature rises, so does the propagation of flies at a concerning pace. They can be quite annoying, especially once they start finding their way into apartments. The nuisance isn't just their buzzing, there's also a significant health risk.

Flies are carriers of dangerous pathogens that can cause diseases such as stomach flu or typhoid fever. They can also become sources of parasites. Therefore, it is vital to stop these insects from entering our homes, especially the areas where we store and consume food.

How to repel flies? An easy and effective method

A simple fly swatter may not be enough to combat these irritating insects. It's prudent to deter them from entering our space in the first place. There's an unconventional yet successful method to do this.

All you need is a ziploc bag, water, and a few coins. Fill the bag with about 2 to 3 cups of water, then add some coins. Seal the bag and hang it by a window.

There, that's it – simple, isn't it? If you're wondering how a bag of pennies can deter flies, we're happy to explain. It's all about the light reflections cast off the coins floating in the water.

This glare can disorient flies, which lack pupils, to regulate the amount of light entering their eyes. Consequently, the pests will not venture into our house.

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