Refrigerator smelling foul? Try this simple toilet paper trick my grandma used
We've all experienced this situation. Occasionally, despite having no spoiled food in the refrigerator, an unpleasant aroma can materialize. Nevertheless, there is a simple, inexpensive, and swift solution to this troublesome issue. As a result, using the refrigerator becomes enjoyable, and you won’t have to hold your nose when opening it.
How does a toilet paper roll function in the fridge?
It might sound unbelievable or amusing, but placing a roll of toilet paper inside the refrigerator actually works – and this solution is stunningly straightforward. As soon as we put a roll of toilet paper inside the fridge, it starts absorbing various odors. The key to this trick, though, lies in what we first soak the paper in.
Before putting the paper roll in the fridge, we need to prepare a solution of water and a pinch of baking soda. After soaking the toilet paper in this mixture for a few seconds, we place it in the fridge. Baking soda is not only a kitchen aid for cooking, but it also effectively neutralizes unwanted smells. This allows us to freely enjoy the fridge without dealing with unpleasant odors.
What other solutions can help us eliminate bad fridge smells?
Interestingly, there are other ways of eradicating unpleasant fridge smells too. Many homemade and budget-friendly tricks also do the trick, including the use of a black tea bag in the fridge. Just insert one in a corner or on a shelf. Advocates of this method claim that tea bags can swiftly eliminate offensive odors.
Do note that a single tea bag might not always be entirely effective. The number of tea bags required depends on the size of the fridge. Thus, a larger fridge might require more bags than initially expected. Be sure to replace them every few days to ensure their effectiveness.
Another efficient odor absorber is a raw potato. However, it's crucial to remember that the potato also needs to be replaced every few days. Failing to do so could potentially exacerbate the problem. If these methods do not work and the unpleasant odor persists, it is essential to identify its origin. To do this, best wash the fridge and inspect the labels of the stored products closely.