NewsRecord desertions and asylum pleas among Russians to avoid war duty

Record desertions and asylum pleas among Russians to avoid war duty

In March, an unprecedented level of desertion among Russian soldiers was recorded. Simultaneously, many Russians have applied for asylum in Western countries to evade military service.

Russians are fleeing from the front. "Highest level of desertion in history"
Russians are fleeing from the front. "Highest level of desertion in history"
Images source: © TG

The British Ministry of Defence, referencing data from the independent Russian news outlet Mediazona, reported that in March of this year, Russian military courts convicted a record 684 soldiers of desertion.

Since the September 2022 partial mobilization, 7,400 convictions have been recorded, with the Moscow region alone accounting for 496 of these cases.

Returning to the Front Line

The British Ministry of Defence noted that after being caught and tried, many soldiers were given suspended sentences and sent back to their units and the front lines.

Moreover, the surge in asylum applications by Russians in Western countries seeking to dodge military service has reached an all-time high.

The Ministry highlighted that "Russian soldiers, forcibly conscripted during the partial mobilization in September 2022, are expected to serve indefinitely, facing slim chances of release." This dire situation likely propels many to desert or flee to Western countries for asylum.

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