HealthRecognizing the signs of poor blood circulation: leg swelling to cold hands

Recognizing the signs of poor blood circulation: leg swelling to cold hands

How do circulation problems manifest themselves?
How do circulation problems manifest themselves?
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8:11 PM EST, January 10, 2024

An early symptom of Alzheimer's. It affects one in three young people.

Swelling in the legs

If you often find that your legs are swollen towards the end of the day, and sometimes notice indentation marks on your skin after removing your socks, this could indicate possible circulation issues. Frequent swelling of the lower limbs should alert you to the need for a medical consultation. Many specialists recommend rest with the feet elevated, maintaining a healthy body weight, abstaining from diuretic drugs, and performing a set of exercises designed to stimulate the legs.

Cold hands

People with poor blood circulation may find that the blood flow to their extremities is restricted. This often results in pale fingertips and cold hands. In such cases, one must immediately consult with a doctor.

Muscle cramps and joint pain

Experiencing pain in the legs, feet, and arms could be a sign of weak blood circulation. However, calf pain during walking that subsides immediately after resting is particularly concerning. If this pain does not appear to be associated with physical exertion, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed.

Numbness in the limbs

Repeated feelings of numbness and tingling in the limbs could be the result of inadequate blood supply to specific areas of the body. Such symptoms are common when we stay in one position for too long. However, if numbness occurs for no apparent reason and is a regular occurrence, it would be advisable to schedule a consultation with a doctor.

Discoloration on the feet

Discoloration on the feet could also signal disrupted circulation. In this case, unusual reddish or dark blue coloring may be observed. Blue fingers, another worrying symptom, could be indicative of an inadequate oxygen supply, which is delivered to our cells via blood.

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