HealthRecognizing the signs: How your body's swelling could indicate liver problems

Recognizing the signs: How your body's swelling could indicate liver problems

Edema, or swelling, can occur when the body can no longer cope with accumulated toxins. This symptom could point towards problems with the liver, an essential organ. But when should we seek medical consultation, and what should we monitor?

Did you notice this symptom? It can appear on the feet.
Did you notice this symptom? It can appear on the feet.
Images source: © Getty Images | Akhararat W

The liver doesn't just detoxify the body; it also regulates fat metabolism, manages carbohydrates, and stores vitamins. This organ absorbs bacteria, viruses, and fungi particles and produces bile.

When the liver is compromised, the whole body starts to struggle; hence, symptoms that might suggest liver issues should not be disregarded. Prime attention should be given to edema.

Signs that should not be ignored

Various factors can contribute to liver disease, but it's most often attributed to drug use, alcohol abuse, an unhealthful diet, and infection with multiple types of the hepatitis virus.

Swelling related to liver problems is produced due to an irregular synthesis of proteins required to maintain anti-edematous pressure. Consequently, the body retains large amounts of water and retains toxins.

Typically, edema manifests in the legs, feet, ankles, and abdomen. Frequent swelling of the limbs could indicate a fatty liver. This may also be coupled with a loss of appetite, weight loss, chronic fatigue, and the emergence of spider veins on the skin.

Liver diseases manifest on the face too

When the liver is diseased, it impacts our appearance as well. Symptoms such as dark spots around the mouth and eyes can be seen on the face. The skin can become dry and take on a yellowish hue. Facial swelling is another sign.

Individuals with obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and polycystic ovary syndrome need to be vigilant about their liver health. Swelling may also indicate various other diseases, including heart and kidney disorders. Hence, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

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