NewsRecognizing the final days: How to know when it's time to say goodbye

Recognizing the final days: How to know when it's time to say goodbye

Each of us will face the end of life, yet few of us are truly prepared for it. However, recognizing when to say goodbye to a loved one is crucial. Experts highlight that our bodies send clear signals indicating when death is imminent. It's critical to pay attention to these signs.

How to tell that a close person is about to die?
How to tell that a close person is about to die?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Gorodenkoff Productions OU

Preparing to bid farewell to a loved one presents a profound challenge for families. Accepting that someone close is leaving us is heart-wrenching, and often, tears and emotions can overwhelm any attempt to stay composed.

For those caring for elderly or sick relatives, the question of whether it's possible to detect early signs of approaching death frequently arises.

How can you recognize that someone is nearing the end of their life?

Identifying that a person is entering the final stage of life is indeed possible. Symptoms indicating that the end is near can manifest hours, days, or even weeks in advance.

In an interview with Unilad, Dr. Carol DerSarkissian explained that one can determine whether the dying process has begun by observing a dying person. Recognizing these signs allows the family to emotionally prepare for what lies ahead while also ensuring that the dying individual receives comfort, closeness, and the best care possible.

In the last weeks before death, a person may display apathy, unresponsiveness, and a lack of interest in their surroundings. This may be particularly challenging to detect, especially in elderly individuals.

Changes in the skin's appearance are a key indicator of approaching death. In the final hours or days, one of the body's last signals includes skin blueness on the hands or feet and a noticeable sharpening of the facial features, signifying a decline in heart function.

What are other indicators that a loved one is nearing death?

At the end of life, a person might exhibit constant fatigue, drowsiness, and exhaustion so severe they cannot leave their bed. Additionally, a breathing disorder characterized by shallow breaths, shortness of breath, or even pauses in breathing could also be present.

Experts in palliative care stress the utmost importance of family presence and support for those nearing death.

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