NewsQuickly get rid of them from your house. They affect your mood in a bad way

Quickly get rid of them from your house. They affect your mood in a bad way

Do you keep dried flowers at home? You might want to give up on this idea. The principles of feng shui state that they can have a very unfavorable impact on your mood. Therefore, a dried bouquet should be immediately thrown in the trash.

Dried flowers at home are not a good idea.
Dried flowers at home are not a good idea.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Are you one of those people who feel best in a clear, organized and perfectly arranged space? Therefore, it may be key for you to familiarize yourself with the principles of feng shui. We're talking about an ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the environment and improving quality of life, which has a history of over 3,000 years.

Of course, the basis is the color scheme and furniture arrangement, but special attention should also be paid to decorations. Potted plants and flowers put us in a good mood, but when they start to wilt, they should be thrown away immediately.

It's also a bad idea to buy already dried bouquets. Why?

They suck out the life-giving energy

According to the principles of feng shui, keeping dried flowers in the house is one of the worst ideas you can have. This is because they absorb an incredibly important energy called Chi - a symbol of life force that influences the body and soul.

It turns out that it is precisely because of dried bouquets that you may sleep poorly, provoke arguments with household members due to constant irritation or have serious problems with concentration. This type of energy disruption can also lead to financial and health problems.

Dried flowers harmful to health

Why is it still worth giving up dried flowers in your interior? Although they may seem like an attractive decorative element, it's important to realize that they often collect dust and allergens, which can lead to an intensification of allergy symptoms, and consequently to breathing problems, itchy eyes, and sneezing.

Dried flowers, especially those kept in a humid environment, can also create ideal conditions for mold growth.

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