NewsPutin's unconventional funding solution: officials donating salaries for soldiers

Putin's unconventional funding solution: officials donating salaries for soldiers

Russian officials from Novgorod region are reportedly required to donate 10 percent of their salaries to the families of Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine. It seems the authorities lack the means to sufficiently remunerate their war-fighters; hence, Vladimir Putin devised a workaround shifting the financial burden to government officials. Although the directive appears "voluntary", those who disobey could jeopardize their jobs.

Vladimir Putin found a way to pay his army fighting in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin found a way to pay his army fighting in Ukraine.

The cost of war is high, and Russian soldiers and their families are bearing the brunt. It's no secret that many soldiers aren't receiving their promised wages. Consequently, Vladimir Putin has innovated a way to fund his military operations in Ukraine, placing the responsibility on officials in Nizhny Novgorod.

The entire situation was detailed by Anton Heraszczenko, an adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs. Heraszczenko is a vocal critic of the misinformation disseminated by the Russian government and highlights the paradoxical scenarios plaguing Novgorod and other regions. This problem has become a symbol of Putin's grip on power.

The president has directed local administration employees to sacrifice a portion of their salaries.

Evidently, the president's solicitations to officials are "voluntary," but noncompliance—refusal to forfeit %10 of their wages—could risk job termination. In Russia, public service jobs often carry significant prestige, benefits, and connections to local political power.

Russian independent media report bemused local government workers and county and rural officials in the Novgorod region, who have been asked to allocate part of their salaries to the soldier's families. This is done indirectly, and therein lies the trick.

A specially formed foundation will collect the funds, however, with most funds misappropriated.

Indeed, the "Save Lives" organization allegedly squanders millions of rubles on operation costs, according to their own financial reports. The cost of maintaining the organization and executing aid programs amounted to over 74 million rubles ($833,000), while just over 24 million rubles ($272,000) was set aside for targeted aid for the poor, disabled, and children.

Worth noting is that 5 million rubles ($57,000) was spent for unspecified purposes...

The funds are reportedly failing to reach the soldiers and their families, leading to complaints on Telegram. They were promised substantial earnings and rewards for defending their homeland but these promises have not been kept as the realities of war persist. At least according to Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin associates. The urban populace is well-informed, whereas those in the provinces cannot protest.

After all, they "voluntarily" agreed to donate their earnings to those in need, correct?

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