NewsPutin's surprising words at a meeting with soldiers

Putin's surprising words at a meeting with soldiers

Putin met with soldiers. "Everyone makes mistakes"
Putin met with soldiers. "Everyone makes mistakes"

2:45 PM EDT, September 29, 2023, updated: 9:09 AM EDT, October 5, 2023

Vladimir Putin met with participants of the "special operation", as the deceptive Russian propaganda misleadingly labels the war in Ukraine - according to the latest Kremlin statement. The dictator awarded military personnel with the Order of Courage. He also spoke about the fallen, claiming that "everyone makes mistakes".

The Kremlin informed that the meeting with Vladimir Putin was attended by, among others, Private Ivan Kalashnikov, Corporal Alexey Ivliev, and Private Vyacheslav Tarasov. Senior Sergeant Viktor Khamaganov connected remotely with the dictator and other servicemen. These are soldiers serving in the 37th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Guard.

Putin met with the soldiers. "Everyone makes mistakes"

Putin decided to honor the military as they had repelled the attack of twelve soldiers from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village Urozajne in the South-Donets direction.

"- The Chief of the General Staff reported to me about how you fought, he reported not only verbally, but also showed video material. This is of course one of the iconic, good examples of courage and heroism," said the dictator to the gathered.

From the reports, it appears that Private Kalashnikov took the burden of the battle upon his shoulders, maintaining constant fire towards the Ukrainians, who were forced to flee. - This is heroism in the truest sense of the word. I want to thank you for that. I wish you luck - Putin rambled in his propaganda speech.

Although the Russians have been suffering huge losses on the front in Ukraine for over a year and a half, often treating their soldiers as cannon fodder, Putin suddenly announced to the military that he wants to "discuss" and "review" war events. - I want to know what you lack, what has changed, what your immediate commanders should pay attention to - said Putin.

The Moscow dictator emphasized that volunteers from penal colonies fought alongside soldiers, whom he praised for defending their homeland. He also reminded that the meeting is taking place at the same time as the funeral of one of the victims of the fight in the village Urozhaynoye. A moment of silence was held in honor of the deceased soldier.

- I want to say that we are all human. Everyone can make mistakes. They made them, but gave their lives for their homeland, they fully atoned for their sins - Putin continued his nonsense, also repeating that he "will do everything to provide support to the victims' families".

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