NewsPutin's supporter started a political party. Big changes in Germany

Putin's supporter started a political party. Big changes in Germany

Sahra Wagenknecht
Sahra Wagenknecht
Images source: © East News | Markus Schreiber
ed. MCZ

6:18 PM EDT, October 24, 2023

Sahra Wagenknecht, a well-known figure in German politics, who represents the left-wing party Die Linke, known for her open support for Russia, announced on Monday her intentions to establish a new group. She previously expressed support for halting arms supplies to Kyiv and starting talks with Moscow.

A new party, which is to bear the name of Unia Sahry Wagenknecht, is to be officially registered in 2024. Nine other deputies to the German Bundestag will join the new group - German media report, including the "Bild" daily and ZDF television.

Goal: elections to the European Parliament

Wagenknecht firmly denied rumors about potential cooperation with another radical faction, the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD). The left-wing politician stressed that if her plans relating to the founding of a new party come to fruition, she intends to run in the European Parliament elections next year - reports the ZDF portal.

I want to interrupt supplies for Kyiv

The decision by Wagenknecht and nine other deputies to leave Die Linke could have serious consequences for the party. The group, which currently has 38 representatives, would have only 29 after the departure of ten deputies. This would mean that Die Linke would lose the status of a parliamentary group — notes German television.

In recent months, media outlets have repeatedly reported on Wagenknecht's critical stance on sanctions imposed on Russia by the West following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022. Wagenknecht regularly reminded people about nuclear threats from the Kremlin and also expressed her support for halting weapon supplies to Kyiv and starting peace talks with Moscow.

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