NewsPutin's propaganda to enter a new level. Property Seizure for War Criticism

Putin's propaganda to enter a new level. Property Seizure for War Criticism

 Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Images source: © GETTY

7:55 AM EST, January 23, 2024

In a move reminiscent of Soviet-era repressions, Russian lawmakers are deliberating a controversial bill that would significantly intensify the state's crackdown on dissent. This proposed legislation targets individuals who criticize or disseminate information contrary to the official propaganda about Russia's military actions in Ukraine. It marks a stark escalation in the government's efforts to stifle opposition and control public discourse.

Legislative Mechanics and Intent:

The draft bill, which critical committees in the State Duma have swiftly endorsed, Russia's lower house of parliament, proposes the seizure of property from those convicted of spreading "deliberately false information" about the Russian military's activities. This includes sharing independent and Western news reports, inciting actions threatening the state, and discrediting the armed forces. The bill, supported by every parliamentary faction except the New People Party and backed by the government cabinet, is an apparent attempt to deter criticism and consolidate support for the invasion of Ukraine​​​​.

Limits and Enforcement Challenges:

Despite its intimidating scope, the bill limits what can be seized, primarily targeting assets directly associated with committing the specified crimes. This generally would involve electronic devices used in the dissemination of information. However, the enforcement of these seizures remains ambiguous, raising concerns about arbitrary and unjust applications. The law is part of a broader pattern of using legal mechanisms to suppress dissent, as seen in the recent heavy sentences for "discrediting" the military and spreading "fake news" about the armed forces​​.

Broader Implications:

This legislative move is more than just a domestic policy shift; it's a signal of Russia's intensifying approach to controlling the narrative around its military actions in Ukraine. The bill is seen by many as a tactic to instill fear and discourage dissent, echoing tactics from darker times in Russia's history. Its implications extend beyond the individuals directly targeted, affecting Russia's broader landscape of freedom of expression and human rights​​​​.

As this situation develops, how the Russian public and the international community will respond to this significant escalation in the Russian government's campaign against free speech and dissent remains to be seen.

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