TechProtect your peace: Simple home safety tips before vacation

Protect your peace: Simple home safety tips before vacation

why take a picture of the stove before vacation, photo: Getty Images
why take a picture of the stove before vacation, photo: Getty Images

11:03 AM EDT, June 27, 2024

Vacation season is starting, and going on a holiday is a time when it’s worth taking care of not just your luggage but also the safety of your home. This is especially important if you forget whether you turned off all electrical devices before leaving.

Everyone has hurried out of the house at some point. In such situations, it's easy to forget a charger in an outlet or a burner on the stove. Here are some tips on securing your home before going on vacation and avoiding unnecessary stress.

Why take a picture of the stove before leaving?

Taking pictures of the stove before a long trip makes good sense. It can save you from potential damages and unnecessary costs and provides peace of mind during your holiday. Thanks to the photos, you’ll avoid intrusive thoughts like: "Did I turn off the stove?" and stop worrying. This kind of uncertainty and negative thoughts can quickly ruin any trip. By using this method, you can enjoy peace and good weather. Naturally, you can also take pictures of other appliances, not just the stove.

Not just a trick for the forgetful

Before you close the door behind you or head to the train with your bags, take photos of your household appliances. Of course, first, unplug them from the power source. The pictures will help ensure that everything is turned off and that your home remains safe and not at risk of fire.

If in doubt, you can easily reach for your phone and check the state of your appliances in the photos. It’s also worth photographing valuable items. This way, when you return, you'll quickly notice if something is missing. If a break-in occurs, such photos will help the police determine exactly what was stolen. The holiday season is excellent for relaxation, but thieves are always active and waiting for the moment we let our guard down and leave home. Therefore, it’s better to secure your home in advance.