Protect your hormones: Foods to avoid according to a top doctor
Doctor Bartek Kulczyński has highlighted certain food products that can severely affect the human hormonal system. Many people consume these products frequently — read on to see if you do too. It's never too late to make changes!
Consuming specific food items can significantly interfere with the hormonal systems of both women and men. The changes described by Doctor Bartek Kulczyński in his video can often be visibly apparent. For example, enlarged breast glands in men or a female mustache can be alarming signals indicating that something is wrong with our bodies. However, these are just the early signs of potentially more serious issues.
Understanding that the above examples are only the tip of the iceberg is crucial. Further changes can have even more serious repercussions — from fertility disorders to cancer. So, how can one avoid these risks? The nutrition specialist pinpointed food products that may negatively impact the human hormonal system. It's advisable to limit or even eliminate these items from your diet!
Substances that disrupt hormones
Doctor Kulczyński mentioned Bisphenol A, antimony, and phthalates in his video. In theory, these substances are primarily used to produce adhesives, carpets, toys, air fresheners, brake fluids, and nail polishes. In reality, they are often found in food storage containers.
These substances can migrate into food, mainly when plastic bottles are left in the hot sun. Such behavior is incredibly irresponsible, and it's essential to be mindful. But the specialist's advice doesn't stop there. Doctor Kulczyński also emphasized not consuming canned foods too often. Why specifically these foods? It's pretty simple. As the doctor explained, substances that interfere with the human hormonal system are found on the inner sides of aluminum cans. They are also present in takeout packaging for fast food. The nutrition doctor referenced a study that found individuals who regularly consumed this type of food had up to 60% higher phthalate content in their bodies!