AutosProtect your car tires from heat: Use cardboard, save money

Protect your car tires from heat: Use cardboard, save money

For many years, drivers in southern European countries have had to deal with extreme heat, which damages the paint on their cars and causes tire damage. However, there is a method, albeit a controversial one, that can extend the life of tires.

Boxes on tires look strange, but since drivers use them, it probably works.
Boxes on tires look strange, but since drivers use them, it probably works.
Images source: © WP | Jakub Tujaka

Every car part requires special care and proper treatment to function smoothly for many years. You cannot expect an engine to run flawlessly if you do not change the oil regularly. Brakes will not work correctly if you do not replace the pads or discs on time. The air conditioning should be turned on even in winter and serviced regularly to maintain its mechanism. The same applies to tires.

To make them last for many years, it would help if you minimized their exposure to adverse conditions, such as extreme heat. This means maintaining the correct tire pressure and protecting the tires from direct sunlight. Intense sunlight causes the tires to heat up significantly. Prolonged exposure can harden the compound from which they are made and cause them to lose their properties.

As a result, it may become necessary to replace the tires, even if the tread is not yet worn out. The tires may lose some of their ability to maintain traction, leading to additional expense. However, there is a way to avoid such a situation.

In southern Europe, you can sometimes see drivers who cover their tires with cardboard to protect them from direct sunlight. Although it may look unesthetic, since there are drivers who choose this solution, it works.

If you decide to use this method due to the heat, it is essential to remember to remove the cardboard before driving. Otherwise, it could scratch the delicate paint, mainly if you use staples to attach the box pieces. To avoid such a situation, you can leave a reminder stuck to the steering wheel, such as a note with the word "Cardboard" or something similar.

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