EntertainmentPrank gone wrong. Russian man suffers serious burns after partner retaliates with boiling water

Prank gone wrong. Russian man suffers serious burns after partner retaliates with boiling water

The woman threw boiling water at the man.
The woman threw boiling water at the man.
Images source: © Canva | canva

1:03 PM EST, January 9, 2024

The incident, which was intended to be a prank, evolved into a grave issue. The man, a resident of Chelyabinsk, planned to have some fun with his partner in a friends' gathering on January 7. He threw a smoke flare into the kitchen where his partner was present, assuming it would amuse everyone. However, the woman did not perceive it as a joke, and she retaliated in her way.

Hot water revenge for the smoke flare prank

In the video that circulated on the internet, the sequence where the smoke flare was cast cannot be seen. The video commences in a smoke-fogged room, out of which a furious Russian woman appears. She's seen holding a medium-sized pot, which she promptly empties at the joker. The man cries out in pain and collapses to the ground. It was later revealed that the pot held hot boiling water, with which the woman scalded her partner.

Based on the reports from online users, the pranked man ended up in the hospital due to the third-degree burns he sustained. The woman, on the other hand, will be facing court charges for causing substantial bodily harm. The police arrived at the party venue before this incident, summoned by neighbors who complained about the noise. The guests at the party were officially penalized.

Source: Twitter, NDTV

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