NewsPope Francis champions "cultural diplomacy" amid global conflicts

Pope Francis champions "cultural diplomacy" amid global conflicts

Pope Francis, on Saturday, voiced his concerns regarding the dangerous and fragmented global conflicts, emphasizing that such situations demand our attention and cannot be ignored.

Pope: a dangerous global conflict is ongoing, in the face of which we cannot remain idle.
Pope: a dangerous global conflict is ongoing, in the face of which we cannot remain idle.
Images source: © East News | Andrew Medichini

In a meeting with representatives from the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, the Pope underscored the destructive nature of ideologies, advocating for adopting "cultural diplomacy" and dialogue to counteract these challenges.

The encounter with the committee members at the Vatican marked the 60th anniversary of the committee's founding. Pope Francis underscored the significance of "culture diplomacy," advocating for enhanced collaboration and dialogue among scholars from diverse cultures and religions. He stressed the importance of dialogue that honours truth and remains untainted by ideological bias.

"Civilization of encounter" versus "incivility of confrontation"

Pope Francis further discussed how the Church transcends any single culture, aiming instead to invigorate the core of every culture with a dynamic and bold proclamation of the Gospel. This effort seeks to foster a "civilization of encounter."
He juxtaposed this hopeful vision against the "uncivilization of clash," driven by selfish individualism and the ideological framing of personal views. The Pope argued that such attitudes foster conflict and division rather than promoting understanding and collaboration.

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