Plum season best recipes: enjoy a plethora of plum delights
Without a doubt, plums are my favorite fruit to indulge in during the fall. As soon as local farmer's markets brim with these purple treasures, I make a beeline with my largest shopping bag. Whether snacking on them, incorporating them in traditional dishes, enhancing my oatmeal with them, or preserving them for later, I find myriad of ways to enjoy them. In particular, preserving them allows me to savor their exceptional flavor throughout the year. Plum juice is a refreshing option that effectively quenches thirst and is just as enjoyable when served warm. During wintertime, I heat it, add a hint of cinnamon, garnish it with an orange slice, and relish a healthy and delicious beverage.
Preparing Plum Juice
- About 4.4 pounds of plums,
- Water,
- Sugar (1 tablespoon per jar).
- Wash the plums thoroughly and remove the stems.
- Prick the plums in several places using a clean needle. This helps the fruits release their juice, which later combines with the water to create a delightful compote.
- Cleanse the jars meticulously and boil them. Set them aside to dry afterwards.
- Place the plums in the jars and sprinkle them with a spoonful of sugar. Follow this by pouring in cold water that has been previously boiled.
- Line the pot with a cloth and place the jars inside. Fill with cold water so that it reaches 3/4 of the jars' height, without the water touching the lids, preventing improper sealing.
- Then, process the jars in a hot water bath around 40 minutes.
- Remove the jars from the pot, set them upside down to cool.
- Finally, turn the jars right way up and store them in a dry and cool area.
Other Ways to Use the Plums
After enjoying the juice and wondering what to do with the leftover fruits? The simplest way is to devour them - they're irresistible indeed. Alternatively, you could incorporate them into yogurt-based cakes or yeast cakes or even as a decorative layer on a fall-themed meringue pie. Remember to strain them to remove any excess water beforehand. They perfectly complement millet or oatmeal, and can even be repurposed into a jelly or used as a filling for sweet dumplings.