FoodPeeling boiled eggs a challenge? Try this lemony trick

Peeling boiled eggs a challenge? Try this lemony trick

A myth circulated around the internet a few years ago claiming that eggs were unhealthy and should be consumed in moderation. However, the World Health Organization refutes this misinformation and confirms that individuals with low blood cholesterol levels can eat up to 10 eggs a week. Eggs are packed with vitamins A, D, E, and B group vitamins, along with iron, choline, folates, and bioactive peptides. One common complaint about eggs is that they can be tedious to peel, but we have a solution for that.

A helpful trick for peeling eggs
A helpful trick for peeling eggs
Images source: © Freepik | makistock

One easy addition and the shell peels right off

A boiled egg can easily replace meat in various meals due to its high protein content and distinctive flavor. Simply drop an egg into boiling water for a few minutes, then peel and slice it – perfect for adding to a salad or tortilla. Despite this straightforward process, the peeling stage can be problematic. Fresh eggs tend to have shells that stick, making them hard to peel. Consequently, the outer layer of the egg white often peels off with the shell, leaving the surface of the egg pockmarked and visually unappealing.

To avoid this inconvenience, try this neat trick. Just add a slice of fresh lemon or a few teaspoons of lemon juice to the boiling water. The acid from the lemon reacts with the egg's calcium carbonate shell, loosening it and making it separate easily from the egg white, even if the egg is fresh.

Why do eggs crack while boiling?

Most of us probably don't watch the pot while our eggs are boiling. We get busy preparing the rest of our breakfast or getting ready for work or school. Upon returning to our pot, we sometimes have an unpleasant discovery - an egg has cracked during the boiling process, leading to a messy spread of egg white. While such an egg is still safe to eat, it's not aesthetically pleasing. So what causes this?

The answer is simple. If you put eggs directly into boiling water, the rapid temperature change can cause the shell to crack. This is especially likely to happen if you store your eggs in the refrigerator and don't warm them before boiling. Thankfully, there are two simple solutions. First, store your eggs in a slightly warmer place (they won't spoil, even at room temperature). Alternatively, remove the eggs from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before cooking to allow them to reach room temperature.

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