Tips&TricksPeel the love: the viral orange test unmasking your partner's true feelings

Peel the love: the viral orange test unmasking your partner's true feelings

As many as 46 million TikTok users have become interested in a new viral trend aimed at couples. The orange, or potentially tangerine, test is designed to reveal how selfless your other half is. Interestingly, not all outcomes are positive. Though the fruit merely acts as a tool, it can indicate how much you mean to your partner.

"Orange test for couples"
"Orange test for couples"
Images source: © Freepik | wavebreakmedia_micro

Assess your relationship with the orange test

Let's begin with the basic version suitable for couples, friends, or families. Simply ask the other person to peel the fruit when you can, like when watching a movie. The other person's response evidently reflects their feelings towards you. Relationship therapist John Gottman highlights what we should consider during the test.

The first point is questioning your motive – asking why you cannot do it yourself. The second thing is making excuses for being busy, even though you are engaging in the same activity. The third is reaction – do they peel the fruit without hesitation or complain about how inconvenient it is throughout the process? Interestingly, such a situation often escalates into an argument, highlighting deeper issues affecting the relationship.

The orange merely serves as a pretext

In this exercise, the orange is simply a catalyst that reflects people's attitudes towards each other. If your partner is unwilling to perform such a trivial task for you, how could you ask them for more? Everyone knows how to peel an orange, tie a shoe, or open a door, but when the other person does such a small act for us, we instantly feel a stronger bond with them. Why? Because we perceive that they care, however slight the gesture may be.

It's worth noting that small gestures during daily routines enhance intimacy and help sustain a healthy relationship between partners. Naturally, it's a two-way street; each party should reciprocate equal support. This could be as simple as complimenting, preparing dinner, or making tea.

According to psychology, partners shouldn't refrain from small gestures in a healthy relationship and should happily receive them in return. Remember, maintaining the spark in a relationship is a lifelong pursuit. If spontaneous acts subside a few years into the relationship, all that will remain is mutual responsibilities and an attachment lacking passion. That isn't a comforting vision of the future, is it?

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