NewsParents face fines for disrespecting the Russian anthem at Nalchik school

Parents face fines for disrespecting the Russian anthem at Nalchik school

They did not stand for the anthem in Russia. They will face punishment.
They did not stand for the anthem in Russia. They will face punishment.
Images source: © Telegram

12:12 PM EDT, July 8, 2024

At a school in Nalchik, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, parents of graduates did not stand for the Russian national anthem. The Republic's Ministry of Education stated that there will be consequences for this matter. What punishment awaits them?

A video appeared on Telegram channels showing the end of the ninth grade in a high school in Nalchik. It depicts several parents sitting in the auditorium during the playing of the Russian national anthem.

One of the videos was published on July 5 by the State Duma Defense Committee Chairman, Andrei Kartapolov, who wrote that at high school number 33 in Nalchik, there was a demonstrative lack of respect for the Russian national anthem.

Regarding this matter, as Kartapolov wrote, he submitted a request "to the appropriate authorities."

The next day, the Telegram channel Mash Gor, which published the same video, reported that at the end of the school year at school number 33 in Nalchik, eight parents of ninth graders refused to stand for the Russian national anthem.

Among them was the head of a RusHydro department, the wife of the coach of the Russian judo team, a major developer in the republic, and several other women.

Their children covered their ears with their hands, according to the report on Telegram. Reports were filed against the parents for violating the official use of the Russian national anthem.

Parents did not stand for the anthem. They face a fine

Interestingly, representatives of the mentioned company confirmed that their employee was among the parents and stated that he "disgraced the company and insulted the 70,000-strong energy team."

RusHydro expects the employee to make a public apology to society and the team, the company added.

On July 7, Kartapolov again posted information that the parents of students from Nalchik would be fined and wrote, "They responded quickly to our appeals. Thank you."

Bella Balova, a specialist in the Ministry of Education department, told TASS that the identities of the adults who did not stand during the anthem had been established.

The situation is being investigated by law enforcement agencies, after which measures will be taken against the parents within the framework of the applicable legislation, said Balova.
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