Tips&TricksOutsmarting winter: the easy way to defog your glasses without professional cleaners

Outsmarting winter: the easy way to defog your glasses without professional cleaners

How to get rid of fog on glasses?
How to get rid of fog on glasses?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | eliosdnepr

6:43 AM EST, December 21, 2023

If you wear glasses, chances are you're well acquainted with fogging lenses that obscure your vision. Have you tried a range of methods, but the problem remains? We have a simple and effective way to prevent your glasses from fogging. Try it once, and you'll no longer have to put up with fogged lenses.

Understanding Why Condensation Forms on Glasses

Ever wondered why condensation specifically forms on your glasses? The culprit is high levels of humidity in the air. When you enter a warm room, condensation particles settle on your glass lenses, creating a fog. Significantly, the hydrophobic layer on the lens surface triggers water to condense on the lenses. This issue often arises during everyday activities, such as unloading the dishwasher, taking a cake out of the oven, or drinking a hot cup of tea.

Effective Ways to Clean Glasses

Despite common misconceptions, glasses are fragile items. A moment's inattention can lead to damaged lenses or frames. This can be prevented by storing your glasses in a case and undertaking correct cleaning practices. Regrettably, most people clean their glasses improperly, leading to scratches on the lenses over time, impairing vision.

So how should you clean glasses correctly? You'll need a specific lens cleaning solution, and a soft microfiber cloth to remove dirt and prevent leaving streaks. Apply the solution to the lenses, then gently polish their surfaces using the cloth. Be gentle to avoid pressing the material too hard and causing potential damage.

Forget About Fogged Lenses With a Simple Rub

You don't have to spend a significant amount on a professional glasses cleaning solution. According to opticians, a mixture of water with a small amount of liquid soap or dishwashing liquid works equally well. Following a wash, all you need to do is wipe the lenses using a soft cloth.

However, another novel method can help you forget about foggy glasses for an extended period. The secret ingredient is cosmetic glycerin, available at any wholesale store. Just dab some onto your glasses cloth and rub it into the lenses. Don't forget to polish your glasses meticulously afterwards. Glycerin will form an invisible layer on the surface that effectively prevents fogging.

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