Tips&TricksNourishing your delicate orchid: Unveiling the secrets of homemade care for better blooming

Nourishing your delicate orchid: Unveiling the secrets of homemade care for better blooming

Thanks to this specific, the orchid grows even in winter.
Thanks to this specific, the orchid grows even in winter.
Images source: © Brilliant

2:01 PM EST, January 1, 2024

Cultivating an orchid demands attention to many details - watering alone is often insufficient for it to bloom lushly and for a prolonged period. It requires meticulous care in every aspect. However, you don't need specialist products; the best remedies for its care can be found at home; the trick is knowing how to use them.

Nourishing your orchid: how to do it?

Orchids, being finicky, make people wary about using various gardening products. Slight changes such as drafts or improper temperature can cause the plant to drop its buds for good. In these situations, the key is not to despair but to act quickly. If you think your orchid only needs water, you're greatly mistaken. Overwatering can cause the plant's roots to rot, resulting in the flower withering away wholly.

Orchids need homemade fertilizer, which won't cost you anything. You can prepare one with just a lemon, or more specifically, its juice. The acidic reaction enhances water absorbency, promoting better flowering of the plants. To prepare the mixture, start with about 1/4 gallon of standing room-temperature water. Then add the squeezed juice, but remember that only a few drops are necessary. Using too much could potentially harm the plant.

Applying homemade fertilizer to orchids: what's the effective way?

You should adhere to a few rules while watering your orchids with this homemade fertilizer. It's best to do this only once a month and cautiously. Watering from the bottom gives optimal results. You could also submerge the pot in the homemade liquid for a few minutes, allowing the orchid to absorb the necessary amount of the product. Remember not to soak any stems, inflorescences, or leaves in the mixture; otherwise, the plant could die.

Such a watered orchid will bloom like never before.
Such a watered orchid will bloom like never before.© Freepik

Orchids demand a bright spot, but not necessarily one directly under sunlight. Sunlight can harm the plant. Hence, it's better not to risk it. Trimming faded inflorescences is essential as they won't bloom again and are unnecessary. They look unaesthetic and drain the plant's energy for maintenance. Cutting them off can enable new buds to bloom.

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