TechNew theory emerges in search for missing MH370

New theory emerges in search for missing MH370

Will the mystery of flight MH370 be solved? The scientist is certain
Will the mystery of flight MH370 be solved? The scientist is certain
Images source: © X

8:44 AM EDT, August 27, 2024

The mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 may soon be solved. A scientist who claims to have found an explanation for the tragedy has shed new light on the matter. His theories are still awaiting confirmation.

Flight MH370 went missing on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board. All were presumed dead.

This event led to the most expensive search in aviation history, with multiple efforts to determine the location of the crash. Although pieces of the wreckage were found, the main part of the plane has not yet been located.

According to research by Vincent Lyne, a scientist from the University of Tasmania, the damage to the plane’s wings is similar to that that occurred during Captain Chesley Sullenberger's emergency landing on the Hudson River in 2009.

While one popular theory suggests that MH370 went into an uncontrolled descent after running out of fuel, Lyne suggests that the plane’s descent into the water was controlled, and the pilots took action to mitigate the landing.

This work changes the narrative of MH370’s disappearance from one of no-blame, fuel-starvation at the 7th arc, high-speed dive, to a mastermind pilot almost executing an incredible perfect-disappearance in the Southern Indian Ocean, the scientist wrote.

However, Lyne is not the first to claim to have "solved" the mystery of the missing plane. Over the past decade, many hypotheses suggesting different scenarios have appeared.

Flight MH370. what happened to the plane? hypotheses

One expert claimed that the plane crashed in the Cambodian jungle, while others suggested that MH370 was hijacked or shot down. Another controversial theory indicated that the aircraft was deliberately directed into a dead zone to disappear from radars.

Despite many years of searches and analyses, the mystery of MH370 remains unsolved. Although new theories shed a glimmer of hope for uncovering the truth, a full explanation of what happened to flight MH370 will only be possible when the main wreckage of the plane is found.

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