TechNew tech in the Ukrainian conflict. High-powered programmable ammunition turns the tide against Russian forces

New tech in the Ukrainian conflict. High-powered programmable ammunition turns the tide against Russian forces

An intriguing video has surfaced online, depicting the bombardment of Russian trenches in a series of trees near Avdiivka. The footage unveils the utilization of programmable ammunition, which detonates mid-air, showering the Russians secluded in the trenches with a hail of shrapnel and tungsten balls.

A Russian trench in the tree line being shelled by Ukrainians with programmable ammunition.
A Russian trench in the tree line being shelled by Ukrainians with programmable ammunition.
Images source: © X (formerly Twitter) | Jarosław Wolski

Unfortunately, the vehicle initiating the bombardment remains unseen, but fundamentally there seem to be only two possibilities. It could be the Str9040C infantry combat vehicles (ICVs), also recognized as CV90, provided by Sweden, which Jarosław Wolski pinpoints, or the American M2A2 Bradley ODS.

The bombardment might have been executed by a single M2A2 Bradley ODS laden with Mk 310 ammunition (provided its cannon was customized for it in the U.S.) or two or three CV90s (which possess limited firepower due to the use of magazines) packed with 3P rounds.

Programmable ammunition — a leap forward in automatic gun capabilities and beyond

The programmable tank ammunition, MK 324 Mod 0 (MP-HE-T), has already been delivered to Ukraine, yet smaller calibers are also now identifiable. This ammunition operates on a simple principle: each shell can be programmed to explode at a set distance with a desired mode of action. This significantly boosts the efficiency of shelling and typically this type of ammunition operates in three modes:

  • Detonating the projectile at a set distance and height to hit targets concealed in a trench,
  • Detonating after burying itself into an impediment allowing, for instance, a larger hole to be created in a building's wall,
  • Possessing the capacity to penetrate a wall and detonate with a delay behind it, maximizing destruction within the building.

In the context of Swedish 3P ammunition, BAE Systems offers up to six operational modes pre-set for specific tasks. However, the core is a 40mm projectile containing 1100 tungsten balls, which during detonation, along with the shell, create 2500 pieces of shrapnel that easily penetrate helmets or soft bulletproof vests. In reality, this means that if a soldier is not in a shelter during the bombardment, their chance of survival is considerably slim.

The scenario appears similar regarding the Mk 310 ammunition of 30mm caliber, which, for this reason, has a slightly smaller charge but operates on the identical principle. The Americans, however, limit themselves to only three modes of operation.

Mk 44S Bushmaster II automatic cannon during firing with Mk 310 ammunition

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