LifestyleNew ADHD evaluation test for adults introduced

New ADHD evaluation test for adults introduced

As our collective awareness about mental health issues continues to grow, adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a previously taboo conversation, is gaining increasing attention. Many adults today grapple with undiagnosed ADHD, since past generations weren't typically diagnosed. To address this, a new testing method has been developed to help identify this disorder.

The answers to these few questions will indicate whether we may be dealing with ADHD.
The answers to these few questions will indicate whether we may be dealing with ADHD.
Images source: © TikTok

A TikTok user has made it his mission to raise awareness about adult ADHD. As diagnoses increase, so does research into the root causes, symptoms, and treatment methods of this disorder, ultimately benefiting those affected.

Six question test

Many individuals could cope better with ADHD symptoms if the disorder were identified earlier. However, not everyone had this advantage.

Consequently, the author of the @usamedical account on TikTok has formulated a set of questions that may offer some insight into whether a person may be dealing with adult ADHD.

These questions should be answered on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 - never, 5 - always), and the scores should be totaled.

The questions are as follows:

1. How frequently do you struggle with finalizing the details of a project?
2. How often do you have difficulty keeping things organized when necessary?
3. How often do you forget about appointments or responsibilities?
4. When required to handle a complex task, how often do you procrastinate?
5. How often do you have a tendency to fidget or wring your hands?
6. How often do you feel excessively active or driven to multitask, like you're running on a motor?

Yet, the author did not provide any guidelines on what score suggests a person is grappling with ADHD. It's crucial to note that diagnosing this disorder isn't costs-effective and should not be done solely based on an online test. These tests should only serve as an indication for further professional diagnosis.

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