Netflix hit 'Wednesday' eyes potential spin-off amid waiting game for season 2
"Wednesday," brought to life by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, premiered on Netflix in November 2022. The series centers around the titular member of the famous Addams family, portrayed by Jenna Ortega. In the first chapter of the story, the eerily intelligent and sarcastic teenager investigates a series of murders, making new enemies and gaining friends at Nevermore Academy.
We had recently reported on the ongoing work for the sequel. Unfortunately, the second season is scheduled to premiere only towards the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. It seems we will get a chance to explore the mother-daughter relationship more in-depth. Currently, more information about the expansion of this universe is being leaked online.
Success of "Wednesday"
It's not surprising that Netflix aims to capitalize on the success of this popular series. Last week, the platform announced that "Wednesday" was viewed for a total of 507 million hours in the first half of 2022 alone. This level of viewership, in the realm of streaming platforms, translates to an incredibly successful and profitable venture that needs to be utilized fully.
Continuations that focus on the same character as the original are only one of the ways to monetize popular stories. The service is working diligently on the next season of this hit. Another effective strategy is through spin-offs, which have been on the rise lately.
What do we know about the "Wednesday" spin-off?
The new story set in the Addams family universe, familiar to audiences through titles from the 90s (though it was first featured on screen in 1963), is set to spotlight Uncle Fester (Fred Armisen). However, that's all we know for now; no plot details or release dates have been disclosed.
Information from Bloomberg suggests that the creation of the spin-off is still under consideration. Discussions have only just started. It appears the writers still need to weave a plot, terms need to be negotiated with the stars, and a feasible production schedule needs to be outlined for the whole team.