SportsNepalese Sherpa conquers K2's deadly peak, celebrates with push-ups in freezing temperatures

Nepalese Sherpa conquers K2's deadly peak, celebrates with push-ups in freezing temperatures

K2, standing at 28251 feet above sea level, is the second highest peak globally. Many experts consider it the most treacherous mountain, responsible for numerous fatalities.

Chhring Namgel Sherpa at the summit of K2
Chhring Namgel Sherpa at the summit of K2
Images source: © Everest Today

Between extreme conditions and highly unpredictable weather, K2 remained the sole 8000-meter peak unconquered in winter until January 16, 2021.

A team of ten Nepalese Sherpas were the first to surmount this challenge in winter. Astonishingly, one among them achieved this feat without relying on supplementary oxygen.

Their triumph highlights the truth in the saying 'nothing is impossible'. Everest Today portal recently revisited the extraordinary actions of Chhring Namgel Sherpa at the mountain's summit in 2021.

The Nepalese climber commemorated his K2 conquest in an extraordinary way, which took numerous internet users by surprise. After this grueling expedition, Chhring Namgel Sherpa chose to celebrate by doing a series of push-ups. Astonishing!

"One reason why Sherpas are dubbed superhumans - Everest Today's caption for their post on platform X."

Check out the video below:

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