Negligence in the Alps: Tourist's zipline tragedy sparks probe
A tragic event occurred in the Italian Alps, where a 41-year-old woman fell from a height of 59 feet during a zipline ride, resulting in her death. The accident took place in front of her closest relatives.
The woman was nearing the end of the 0.6-mile route when witnesses noticed issues with her harness. Witnesses claim the tourist was not properly secured and that additional safety checks were not conducted before the ride started.
Suddenly, she fell and struck the ground with great force. Her family, who were waiting at the end of the route, witnessed the tragic fall.
Recordings from the ride showed that the leg straps were poorly positioned, and in some instances, the harness was not visible. The family has hired a lawyer and is accusing the zipline operator of negligence.
Italy: Investigation after the tragic mountain death
The investigation revealed "very serious shortcomings" on the part of the zipline owner. The report identified "systematic irregularities" and "technical and managerial violations."
Not only will the owner be held accountable for the tragedy, but also two of his employees responsible for fitting the harness and the person who signaled the start of the ride.