Natural foot rinse restores baby-soft heels in minutes
Many people have dry and cracked heels. How can we restore their former softness? You don't have to buy expensive creams or ointments. Use what nature has provided. Discover the recipe for a homemade foot rinse.
Feet are among the most neglected body parts. Many treat them carelessly, forgetting they need regular exfoliation and moisturizing. With the arrival of summer, the season for flip-flops and stylish sandals begins. Dry and cracked feet don't look their best in them, so this is the perfect time to take care of them. How can you restore smoothness to your feet? Use the power of herbs.
Throw it in the water and soak your feet. They will be as smooth as a baby’s
If you are a fan of natural skincare methods and struggle with dry and flaky skin on your heels, prepare an herbal foot rinse. The best herbs are birch leaves, comfrey, yarrow, and calendula. Each of these plants has moisturizing, soothing, and softening properties. You can buy them at any pharmacy for no more than 3 dollars.
How do you prepare such a rinse? Boil a quart of water and steep 4 tablespoons of your chosen herbs. Do you have a problem with excessive foot sweating? Add a sprig of fresh rosemary, which reduces sweat secretion and eliminates unpleasant odors.
When the infusion cools, pour it into a bowl and soak your feet in it for 15-20 minutes. After the treatment, rub a cream with urea into your feet. This ingredient has strong softening properties. Repeat the treatment once a week, and your feet will be as soft as a baby's.
Herbal medicine is making a comeback
Herbal medicine is one of the oldest methods of treatment. Ancient Romans collected lavender, wormwood, and savory and added them to ointments that accelerated wound healing. Meanwhile, the Chinese drank an infusion of ginseng root and reishi mushrooms, which was believed to provide them with immortality, and Egyptians treated themselves with onions, garlic, and flax seeds.
More and more people are leaning towards natural health and beauty care methods. These methods can be used both internally and externally. A chamomile compress reduces dark circles under the eyes, and a rosemary tonic reduces excessive sebum production. A rinse made from flax seeds moisturizes the skin and hair, and calendula extract has soothing and moisturizing properties.