NewsMoscow residents left in the cold. Over 20,000 without heating amid the Kremlin's indifference

Moscow residents left in the cold. Over 20,000 without heating amid the Kremlin's indifference

In the outskirts of Moscow, issues with the energy infrastructure have started to emerge. Media reports indicate that over 20,000 people have found themselves left without heating.

Moscow residents left in the cold. Over 20,000 without heating amid the Kremlin's indifference
Images source: © GETTY | Anadolu

"The entranceway is entirely frozen. This has been the state for four days. The temperature inside the apartments has dropped to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Those who could have already evacuated. Those left behind are warming up in any way possible. Children are falling sick," says a distressed resident of Elektrostal, who asked for help and appealed directly to Putin.

Kremlin's Response

Dmitri Peskov, Putin's spokesman, traces the heating crisis in various regions back to severe frosts and a deteriorating situation within housing and municipal services, where "repairs take time".

He assures that lessons will be learned from this situation. However, he also adds that "the work of officials and specialized services does not raise any concerns in the Kremlin".

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