TechMicrosoft Edge's latest update slashes memory use with an auto-tab discard feature

Microsoft Edge's latest update slashes memory use with an auto-tab discard feature

Microsoft Edge has introduced a new feature that enables the automatic discarding of tabs that have been put to sleep, allowing the browser to save even more RAM. This is especially useful for users with dozens or even hundreds of tabs open simultaneously.

Microsoft announced new features in Edge.
Microsoft announced new features in Edge.
Images source: © Dobreprogramy | Oskar Ziomek

With the release of version 125 beta, Edge users have gained access to this innovative feature, as reported by Windows Latest. The browser now can automatically discard tabs that are in a sleeping state. Although a sleeping tab uses a minimal amount of RAM and remains active in the background, a discarded tab is completely removed from RAM. However, reloading the page is necessary if you wish to view it again.

By enabling the new feature, Edge will automatically discard tabs that have been sleeping for at least 1.5 days. This function is ideal for users who frequently navigate through a clutter of open tabs.

Sleep and discard tabs settings
Sleep and discard tabs settings© Windows Latest

Even after a tab is discarded and its RAM freed, Edge does not automatically close the tab. It remains accessible on the tab bar and can be easily revisited.

Edge offers significant flexibility in its settings, allowing users to define how tabs are put to sleep. Users can determine the duration of inactivity before a tab is put to sleep and can also designate exceptions. Tabs from sites on this exceptions list will not be put to sleep or discarded, meaning they will always use operating memory and continue to run in the background.

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