Meet the Orange Episcia: The exotic plant turning heads with its violet leaves and easy care
Everyone desires a plant on their window sill that not only thrives but also captivates visitors. If you seek a "wow" factor in your home, you should certainly consider adding an Orange Episcia to your collection. This plant, native to Asia, is noted for its characteristically soft fuzz and its leaves' vibrant, purple hue. Recently it has been cultivated in homes everywhere due to its effortless care requirements.
Growing an Orange Episcia
This plant will stand out in any home, thanks to its exotic violet leaves. On touching or observing the Episcia, you'll quickly notice the soft fuzz on its surface which is quite a delight to the fingertips. Moreover, the leaf shape is interesting, ending in serrated and ridged edges.
You might wonder why the Orange Episcia isn't nicknamed - the Violet, it is due to the blossoms it produces in its growing season. These flowers display a delicate orange hue, and their contrast against the violet leaves looks spectacular. Another advantage of the plant is its simplicity in cultivation; it will grow easily in any condition. However, meeting its requirements is fundamental for the long-lasting blooms of the Orange Episcia.
The flower thrives in soil with an acidic pH, which must also be well-drained. A blend of acidic peat with perlite and all-purpose soil is ideal for planting an Orange Episcia, rather than commercially-prepared mixes. Proper drainage with expended clay or a suitable pot that discards excess water is also crucial. Although Episcia enjoys frequent watering and moist soil, overwatering can lead to its wilt.
Caring for an Orange Episcia
Episcia requires minimal effort to cultivate if its care guidelines are followed. To maintain its bushy structure, its shoots need to be removed for young cuttings every few years. Otherwise, it will only sprout new leaves on the crown. The cuttings, when placed in water, root quickly.
The plant should be transplanted only in the spring, and under no circumstances should its leaves be soaked. Unsightly spots or dust on them should be removed from the flower using a soft brush or a dry cloth. Situate the pot carrying the Orange Episcia in a bright, sun-protected location, as direct sunlight can be harmful to the plant.