NewsMass mobilization in Israel. "A slaughter is approaching"

Mass mobilization in Israel. "A slaughter is approaching"

Mass mobilization in Israel. "A slaughter is approaching"
Images source: © GETTY | Alexi J. Rosenfeld

6:37 AM EDT, October 12, 2023, updated: 6:49 AM EDT, October 12, 2023

The Israeli military has mobilized around 360,000 reservists to join the fight against Hamas. This is one of its largest mobilizations in history - we read in "The Washington Post". "A massacre is approaching" - comments military analyst Jarosław Wolski.

As part of a mass mobilization for military service, about 4 percent of Israel's population of roughly 10.3 million was called up. "Israelis will leave their regular jobs to join the military operation. Families have been separated, and Israelis abroad for Jewish holidays had to look for flights back to Israel," we read in "The Washington Post".

This is the fastest mobilization in the history of Israel, as highlighted by the Times of Israel. A similar situation took place 50 years ago, during the Yom Kippur war. In 1973, about 400 thousand reservists were called to military service after an unexpected attack by Egypt and Syria on Israel.

"Mobilization indicates a possible larger military campaign" - comments the newspaper "New York Times".

According to military analyst Jarosław Wolski, Israel has mobilized even more since Saturday, up to 700 thousand soldiers. "This means preparing for a total clash with Hamas and occupying the Gaza Strip" - comments Wolski in a post on portal X.

"A massacre is approaching. No one cares about Hamas but the losses of IDF (Israel Defense Forces) will certainly be noticeable, and for the civilian population - terrifying," adds Jaroslaw Wolski.

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