Tips&TricksMaking your windows shine: Handy tips for a thorough blind cleaning at home

Making your windows shine: Handy tips for a thorough blind cleaning at home

From heavy curtains to the ultra-modern blinds of today, our preferences for window coverings have evolved quite significantly. Blinds, which come in various forms such as roll-up, accordion, thick, thin, and even day-night specific ones, rule our homes today. Besides offering protection from harsh sunlight, they also enhance privacy. But, to reap the benefits fully, they must be cleaned regularly!

How to clean dirty blinds? Photo: freepik
How to clean dirty blinds? Photo: freepik

Three-step blind cleaning

1. Employ a dry cloth or broom to dust off cobwebs, grime and anything else that can be removed while dry.

2. Prepare a homemade cleaning solution to tackle the ingrained dirt.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of dish soap
  • 1 cup of laundry detergent

Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you achieve a consistent blend.

3. Now, wash the blinds using your custom cleaning mixture. Soak a clean sponge in the solution and wipe the material of the blinds. Once done, leave them to dry.

The vinegar technique to combat mould on blinds!

A combination of vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio serves as an excellent remedy for mould-ridden blinds. Use it as you would with the previously discussed method. Vinegar can offer better results, but be prepared for a strong smell. Also, ensure you conduct a test on a small section of the blind material initially to avoid possible discolouration.


So, you're all equipped to clean your dirty blinds now. But did you encounter several flies while cleaning? Discover an effective trap you can set up near your windows to deal with this issue.

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