EntertainmentMain Character Syndrome: Gen Z trend or self-centered obsession?

Main Character Syndrome: Gen Z trend or self-centered obsession?

Main Character Syndrome refers to people who perceive themselves as the main characters in their own lives. This mindset has become a trend among Generation Z and young millennials, who eagerly showcase it on social media. Has this popular syndrome caught your attention, too?

Main Character Syndrome
Main Character Syndrome
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Has Main Character Syndrome caught you yet?

Main Character Syndrome is a term that began appearing on social media (primarily on TikTok) about two years ago. Initially, it appeared sporadically but quickly gained a broader audience. Today, it has gone viral and become a trend among Generation Z and young millennials. What does this syndrome, born in social media, entail?

Definition of Main Character Syndrome

Main Character Syndrome originated on social media and cannot be treated as a real, classified psychological disorder. Main Character Syndrome refers to people who see themselves as the main character in their own lives. They view their experiences, actions, and relationships through the lens of being the protagonist in their personal narrative. This syndrome is closely tied to narcissism and egocentrism—it involves an excessive focus on oneself, a desire for recognition, and a belief in one's uniqueness. Being the protagonist, like the main character of a literary work around whom the plot revolves, gives the individual a sense of importance, control, and meaning in their own life story. It provides a sense of purpose and agency.

What does it look like in practice? The main characters make a significant event from an ordinary morning trip to the bakery for fresh donuts. They turn a daily chore into something special, meaningful, and essential. Of course, they play a key role in this scene. On TikTok, it's popular to show what a weekend coffee and croissant outing to a nearby café looks like.

Main Character Syndrome and its characteristics

Several typical traits can be highlighted with Main Character Syndrome. One of them is that a person with this syndrome presents an idealized image of themselves and their reality to everyone. In their view, their daily life deserves attention. It is extremely important that no one disrupts the perfect image of the Main Character—otherwise, they are ready to quickly distance themselves from such an "enemy."

Main Character Syndrome attracts narcissistic and egocentric individuals who are convinced that everything should revolve around them; others should see them the same way they see themselves since they are the heroes of their daily lives.

Authenticity doesn't matter here. The main character often creates an entirely different persona, showing an ideal version of themselves living a perfect life, as seen on social media.

Why do we need Main Character Syndrome?

Many people, especially from the generation of current youth's parents, find it hard to understand why young people behave this way. The answer isn’t as complicated as it might seem. Young people today don't want to be ordinary people living grey everyday lives. They are looking for ways to make their lives more enjoyable, capture the attention of others, and elevate their attractiveness in their surroundings. It turns out that even a mundane ride on public transportation can become a true, romantic adventure.

Good and bad sides

Can this trend be classified as entirely good or entirely bad? While promoting an ideal online reality shouldn't be endorsed, this trend can have good sides. What are they? It’s about the ability to appreciate seemingly ordinary moments and learn that even from such instances, joy can be derived. Noticing small pleasures translates to higher happiness levels; if we can draw joy from going out for coffee, then we need very little to be happy.

On the other hand, Main Character Syndrome can be a method for many people to cope with emotional issues, which in extreme cases can take a concerning form. This refers to instances of developing narcissistic personality disorders. After all, a person who considers themselves a protagonist may have trouble accepting criticism—even an innocent joke can severely insult them. Pretending to be the main character is often the beginning of losing control over one's life.

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