TechM2 Bradley proves unstoppable: Surviving drone strike on Ukrainian front

M2 Bradley proves unstoppable: Surviving drone strike on Ukrainian front

Ukrainians' M2 Bradley vehicle
Ukrainians' M2 Bradley vehicle
Images source: © Youtube | Militarny

10:31 AM EDT, June 25, 2024

The American M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle has repeatedly saved the lives of Ukrainians on the front lines. The Ukrainian armed forces can add another incident to the list where US equipment withstood Russian weapon fire. The Bradley survived a drone strike and continued operations seamlessly.

The M2 Bradley is rightly regarded as one of the best-armored vehicles in the world. In Ukraine, it has repeatedly proven to be virtually indestructible. Numerous examples abound, including instances where the American vehicle easily faced one of Russia's best tanks, the T-90M Proryv.

Furthermore, the M2 Bradley has survived attacks from BM-21 Grad launchers and T-72 tanks, and was not immobilized after hitting a mine. Despite the explosion, the vehicle could continue moving on the front lines, allowing the crew to reach a safe location. In May of this year, the Bradley's crew heroically rescued allies under fire from Russian forces while still being targeted by the Russians.

M2 Bradley was hit by a drone. It didn't even stop

Another incident where Ukrainians were saved by the American design involved soldiers from the 47th Independent Mechanized Brigade, who were attacked by a Russian kamikaze drone while shelling enemy positions.

While in motion, the Bradley was hit on the left side of the vehicle, at the front, one of the most armored points on the hull. This area contains the BRAT reactive armor tiles (Bradley Reactive Armor Tiles). At first glance, the Russian drone did not cause any visible damage to the American vehicle. Despite the strike, it did not stop and continued driving.

Let's recall that the basic armor of the M2 Bradley is made of steel, aluminum, and composites. The exact composition varies depending on the vehicle variant and its intended use.

This vehicle, whose history dates back to the 1970s, is notable for its defensive capabilities, notably the M242 Bushmaster 25 mm cannon. A 7.62 mm machine gun accompanies this, although the former takes the lead in attacking enemy units. Rounds fired from the M242 cannon can disable even the most heavily armored units, including tanks.

The mobility of the American infantry fighting vehicle is provided by an engine with an output of 500 or 600 horsepower, depending on the year of production. It propels the Bradley to a maximum speed of 43 mph, and in water, it can move at speeds up to 6 mph.