TechLoitering munitions unveiled: Rheinmetall and UVision's hero family detailed

Loitering munitions unveiled: Rheinmetall and UVision's hero family detailed

During this year’s edition of the ILA defense trade fair, Rheinmetall and UVision presented the Hero family of loitering munitions. This weapon system combines the advantages of anti-tank guided missiles and drones. Loitering munitions enhance infantry units' abilities to reconnoiter and destroy targets at long distances in a very short time.

Loitering munition Hero-30
Loitering munition Hero-30
Images source: © Licensor | MACIEJ_HYPS

The term loitering munition refers to weaponry that can remain undetected over the battlefield or behind the front lines for an extended period and attack at the operator’s chosen moment. The Hero family of loitering munitions operates on this principle. While loitering over a selected area, its observation sensors can detect and track enemy movements, automatically analyze possible targets, and suggest high-value targets.

The Hero loitering munition

Throughout the process, a human remains in the command loop and ultimately decides to carry out the attack. Furthermore, an attack can be aborted at any moment, and Hero will ascend to a higher altitude, reverting to standby mode to execute an attack later or on a different target. This gives ground forces a high degree of flexibility. If there are no worthwhile targets, Hero can be recovered and reused.

The hero family ammunition can be fired from portable launchers by a single soldier.
The hero family ammunition can be fired from portable launchers by a single soldier.© Rheinmetall | YKMULTIMEDIA

Hero results from collaboration between Germany's Rheinmetall and Israel’s UVision. Both companies signed a cooperation agreement in 2021. This type of munition is already utilized by the US Marine Corps. Additionally, in September, Hero-30 was ordered by the special forces of a European NATO country. The latest order comes from Hungary. Deliveries of an undisclosed number of systems will be carried out from 2024 to 2025, and the contract is valued at over 100 million euros (approximately 108 million dollars).

From a soldier’s perspective, the system’s key advantage is its ease of use. Hero can be launched from a pneumatic launcher and features low radar, thermal, acoustic, and visual signatures. After launch, it offers a unit substantial tactical flexibility. For example, control of Hero can be transferred mid-air from one operator to another, meaning the munition can be handed over to the unit that most needs it at that moment. Control can also be transferred several command levels higher to the main command post. The munition is designed to operate in environments with GPS and radio signal jamming.

Hero can be launched from vehicle-mounted launchers or soldier-carried launchers resembling mortars. Additionally, the launcher can be installed on boats or warships, and even attached to aircraft.

The Hero munition family comprises five models: Hero-30, Hero-120, Hero-400EC, Hero-900, and Hero-1250. The smallest, Hero-30, weighs 7 pounds, has a warhead weight of 1 pound, a range of 6 miles, and a flight endurance of 30 minutes. Hero-120 weighs 26 pounds, with a warhead weight of 10 pounds, a range of 25 miles, and a flight endurance of 60 minutes. Hero-400EC weighs 88 pounds, with a warhead weight of 22 pounds, a range of 37 miles, and a flight endurance of 2 hours. Hero-900 weighs 198 pounds, with a warhead weight of 55 pounds, a range of 93 miles, and a flight endurance of 2 hours. Finally, the largest model, Hero-1250, weighs 276 pounds, with a warhead weight of 110 pounds, a range of 124 miles, and a flight endurance of up to 6 hours. Models 30, 120, and 400 have electric propulsion, while the 900 and 1250 models use combustion engines.

Hero can be an element of combat vehicles' weaponry
Hero can be an element of combat vehicles' weaponry© Rheinmetall

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