Reports from Russian official media and social media outline the purpose of Lavrov's trip to Beijing as a discussion on "urgent issues" with his Chinese colleague. According to "Izvestia," the meeting is not just between officials with similar viewpoints but between friends. Lavrov's visit is scheduled to conclude on Tuesday. Wang Yi, commenting on the visit, highlighted it as a chance to bolster Russia-China cooperation across various domains, underlining the relationship's foundation on the principle of non-confrontation.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the discussions would encompass various pressing topics. "Izvestia" underscores the importance Russia places on nurturing ties with China, which has been significantly influenced by the interactive dialogue between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
According to the head of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the bond between Russia and China is stronger than ever. This comes amidst warnings from the United States regarding China's increased support for Russia, including intelligence sharing that aids Moscow's operations in the Ukraine conflict.
Sergey Lavrov on a Chinese Mission
Based on US intelligence, Bloomberg reported that China has been assisting Moscow by providing satellite imagery, among other support forms. National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson mentioned that in a phone call with Xi Jinping, US President Joe Biden voiced his concerns over the deepening Russia-China ties and Beijing's backing of the Russian military industry.
Bloomberg also noted statements from US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, indicating Russia has managed to rebuild its military forces post the Ukraine invasion losses, with support not only from China but North Korea and Iran as well.
Source: "Izvestia"