Tips&TricksKick out foot calluses at home. The surprising power of kitchen ingredients

Kick out foot calluses at home. The surprising power of kitchen ingredients

Footprints can be removed with a home remedy.
Footprints can be removed with a home remedy.
Images source: © Getty Images | Alena Ivochkina

9:59 AM EST, January 18, 2024

It may come as a surprise to some, but another name for a callus is a corn. These small areas of thickened skin form due to prolonged pressure or friction. Calluses lead to collagen fibers thickening and speeding up the maturation process of flattened horn cells. They mostly show up on the feet. Usually, they are unfortunately painful and can sometimes impede everyday activities such as walking or wearing shoes. Calluses frequently occur from wearing shoes that are too tight. Regularly wearing high-heeled shoes or shoes without socks also contribute to callus formation.

Treating calluses at home

When afflicted by calluses, you should quickly visit a podiatrist or try to remove the hardened skin yourself. Otherwise, your corns will increasingly cause discomfort and may even interfere with your day-to-day activities. Calluses usually show up on the heels, between the toes, on the finger joints, and on the sole. They can also occur under the toenail. They come in various shapes, but all have a common characteristic – a white dot right in the center. Here are some tips on what you can use to treat calluses.

Foot bath with baking soda

A tried-and-true home remedy for calluses involves soaking your feet in warm water with an addition of gray soap and a small amount of baking soda. This homemade mixture effectively softens the skin on your feet, making the painful callus easier to remove.

To deal with the corn, a special foot file is highly recommended. Under no circumstances should you use sharp and non-disinfected tools, as you could hurt yourself. Do remember, however, this home remedy works best on small calluses around 0.8 inches wide.

A homemade aspirin and turmeric paste is another option. Dissolve it in a bit of water and apply it to the callus (ensure you're not allergic beforehand). Leave the mixture on your foot for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off and remove the callus with a foot file or pumice stone.

If your callus is large, it would be better to consult a specialist immediately. Also, if you're willing to spend a bit, investing in special plasters or ointments for calluses from the pharmacy could be worthwhile. They tend to contain salicylic acid, which has a peeling effect and greatly eases the removal of painful calluses.