Keep eggs fresh: Common storage mistakes to avoid
Many of us cannot go without eggs in our daily diet. Unfortunately, we often make mistakes in storing them, which accelerates spoilage. How should eggs be stored properly to keep them fresh longer? Here are the principles to remember.
Eggs are ingredients in many dishes, from breakfast omelets to exquisite cakes. Their versatility and nutritional value often find a place on our tables. But their role in the diet is not just about taste. Eggs provide proteins, vitamins, and minerals essential for the body's everyday functioning.
Due to their popularity, eggs are usually bought in advance. This seems convenient, but it requires the proper approach to storing them. Keeping them fresh is crucial and can be achieved by following simple rules. How should eggs be stored properly?
The most common mistakes in storing eggs
The first and most common mistake is storing eggs outside the refrigerator. Eggs left too long at room temperature spoil faster, exposing us to health issues.
Another often overlooked mistake is washing eggs before storing them. Destroying the natural protective layer that covers the shells increases the risk of bacterial penetration. As a result, eggs lose their natural barrier and spoil faster. It is recommended to leave them in their original cartons to protect the eggs from accidental breakage in the refrigerator.
How to store eggs properly?
The fundamental principle in storing eggs is to provide them with a cool and dry environment. Why is this so important? Well, high temperatures can accelerate the spoilage process and lead to the growth of dangerous bacteria.
The optimal place for eggs is the middle shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is around 39°F. This location avoids temperature fluctuations that can lead to faster spoilage of the eggs. It's best to store eggs in the original carton or special containers to protect them from other products.
How to check if an egg is fresh?
If you want to check if an egg is fresh, use a simple method. You'll need a glass of water and an egg. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it is fresh. If it floats, it's better not to risk it and just throw it away.
Remember that eggs are products that must be stored properly to ensure they are safe to eat. Before eating, check the expiration date to avoid consuming an expired product.