NewsJulia Nawalna in the EU Parliament: "Key to beat Putin is innovate"

Julia Nawalna in the EU Parliament: "Key to beat Putin is innovate"

"After the first attempt on my husband's life, we spent some time in Germany for his recovery. During that period, we were in Strasbourg, walking its streets with our children. Today, I find myself back here, but under very different circumstances," Julia Nawalna began her speech before the EP.

Julia Nawalna in the European Parliament. "Today I'm not walking around Strasbourg"
Julia Nawalna in the European Parliament. "Today I'm not walking around Strasbourg"
Images source: ©, pantalla

"I thought I would have 12 days from my husband Alexei's assassination to prepare for this speech. It took us a week just to access his body. His funeral is set for the day after tomorrow. I'm not sure if it will proceed peacefully, or if the police will arrest those who come to mourn my husband," she shared.

Nawalna touched on the war in Ukraine, mentioning it has been ongoing for two years, with many becoming accustomed to it. "Now and then, voices suggest negotiating with him. Then, Putin had my husband, Alexei Nawalny, killed. Under his orders, Alexei was tortured for three years, starved in a dismal, stone cell," Nawalna revealed.

Julia Nawalna emphasized how her husband, Alexei, inspired millions with his ideas despite being banned from Russian TV. He turned to a YouTube channel to reach the countrywide audience. "'Can't vote? Develop a tactical strategy to strip seats from the ruling party in parliament,' Alexei would say," explained Nawalna.

"Putin is a bloody gangster"

"To defeat Putin, innovation is key, and conventional methods must be abandoned. Another resolution or round of sanctions won't deter Putin. He cannot be defeated by assuming he holds any principles or morality. Alexei recognized this long ago," recounted Nawalny's wife. "Putin is a bloody gangster, the head of an organized criminal gang," she reiterated.

"This gang includes poisoners and assassins, mere puppets in the grand scheme," she remarked. "Innovation means employing methods used against organized crime, not just diplomatic notes, but decisive actions," she further added.

"Putin must be held accountable for his actions against my country, our peaceful neighbor, and my husband," she insisted.

"My husband will never witness the beautiful Russia he dreamed of for the future. But I am committed to making that dream a reality. Evil will be defeated, and a beautiful future will emerge," Julia Nawalna concluded her speech.

The Members of the European Parliament gave her a standing ovation, with the applause resonating for several moments.

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