EntertainmentJocelyn Wildenstein: From classic beauty to pop culture icon

Jocelyn Wildenstein: From classic beauty to pop culture icon

Almost everyone recognizes Jocelyn Wildenstein and her dramatically modified face. However, not everyone knows how the Swiss woman looked before she began experimenting with her appearance. The 84-year-old once had classic facial features.

"Catwoman" spent over 15 million zlotys on surgeries.
"Catwoman" spent over 15 million zlotys on surgeries.
Images source: © Getty Images

The story of Jocelyn Wildenstein could serve as inspiration for a Hollywood movie script. Unfortunately, if it were to be made, it would likely be a drama, or even a horror. The massive fortune that the American received after her divorce from Alec Wildenstein, heir to an art trading fortune, became a curse for her.

Even during her marriage, the Swiss woman entered into a risky relationship with plastic surgery, which continues to this day. She recently admitted that she is bankrupt after being cut off from a divorce settlement of $100 million. Six years ago, she filed for bankruptcy, claiming that her former husband's family stopped the nine-figure annual payments she had secured during their divorce in 1999.

The 84-year-old "Catwoman" sports a more-than-130-carat ring while on a date with a fiancé nearly three decades younger

Today, Jocelyn is 84 years old. Her radical transformation into a "woman with a cat face" has made her a pop culture icon. The formerly wealthy woman spent about $4 million (over $4 million) on procedures to give her face feline features, which allegedly pleased her husband. Despite the passage of time and numerous controversies, Wildenstein continues to pursue further modifications to her appearance.

Wildenstein has remained committed to her "flashy" image for decades. Before she began altering her looks, she could boast classic facial features.

On the Swiss woman's Instagram profile, you can find a photo from half a century ago, where Jocelyn impresses with her natural and elegant look. In the photograph, the celebrity holds her firstborn daughter, Diane, who celebrated her 45th birthday this year.

The owner of countless implants and fillers has undoubtedly made significant changes to her appearance. The woman, who has undergone a caricature-like transformation, was once considered an object of male admiration.

Are you shocked too?

This is how "Kobieta Kot" looked before the surgeries.
This is how "Kobieta Kot" looked before the surgeries.© Instagram
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Jocelyn Wildenstein© Getty Images
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Jocelyn Wildenstein© Getty Images
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Jocelyn Wildenstein© Getty Images
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Jocelyn Wildenstein© Getty Images

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