LifestyleIt happens a moment before death. She speaks of 11 experiences

It happens a moment before death. She speaks of 11 experiences

Anna Stromquist described 11 experiences of people who were close to death.
Anna Stromquist described 11 experiences of people who were close to death.
Images source: © Adobe Stock, TikTok

5:19 PM EDT, October 18, 2023

Anna Stromquist, a 43-year-old researcher, had a so-called near-death experience when she almost drowned in the ocean as a sixteen-year-old. After years, she publicly shared her experience. She also decided to study other individuals who had close encounters with death.

Anna Stromquist is a 43-year-old researcher who has endured the traumatic experience of nearly drowning in the ocean. As a sixteen-year-old, she went swimming in an unguarded area. As she described years later to "The Mirror", she wasn't scared because she considered herself a good swimmer. Unfortunately, the waves quickly overcame her, and "the currents began to push her to the bottom of the sea and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her head above the surface." - "I was being spun round and round and I no longer knew which way was up or down," she recounted.

She has the experience of death behind her. That's what she felt

When she was moments away from drowning, she had a unique, mysterious experience.

- I heard that voice deep within me, saying that I was dying, and then I felt complete peace - the woman says. - I immediately connected with everyone who had died before me and saw the secret of the universe, which they all already knew. It's about the fact that death is natural and comes for us all. This is the secret of a peaceful afterlife - she believes.

Anna confessed that after this event, she stopped being afraid of death. She also understood that life could end at any moment. - I am calm, knowing that when death comes, it will reunite me with everyone - she announced.

What do you feel after death? There are 11 experiences

Today, a woman decided to professionally investigate the experiences of people who have been close to death. She had many conversations during which she asked people what they remembered from the moment of "crossing over to the other side". She decided to share her findings on social media.

Stromquist talked about this in one of her TikTok videos. From her discussions, it appears that there are 11 universal experiences that people who have come close to death have relayed.

They are light, a sense of deep peace, meeting with loved ones who have passed away, indescribable joy, empathic connection with humanity, learning the secrets of the universe, overview of entire life, lack of attachment to earthly life, choice of whether to return to life, a sense of understanding what life is, supernatural experience, such as the ability to see angels.

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