Israel: the relatives of Hamas hostages detained by the police
1:08 PM EDT, March 27, 2024
They were released just three hours after the had been arrested. The situtation took place during the protest in front of the Ministry of Defense of Israel. What were the causes and what could be the consequences? The situation is extremely complicated, we try to present a brief answer.
What the protest was about?
Tel Aviv, Tuesday evening, the protest outside of the headquarters of the Defense Ministry of Israel takes place. What are the postulates of the protesters? They were demanding more successful actions regarding the freeing of the hostages still being kept by Hamas since the 7th of October. They demanded more to be done.
The direct cause of the protest was the return of Israeli government officials from Qatar where the talks have been taking place. After they returned the officials said thaey have reached the 'dead end'.
BBC News reports briefly on specifics:
Why the protesters were detained?
The Israeli government and the police say that the cause was the 'distrubance' ther were causing. The protesters were intending to block the highways in Tel Aviv allegedelly 'endengering themselves and others'.
It is quite questionable to detain people for such form of the protest. It seems kind of a fake reason in order to turn down demonstrations and try to keep the order for the government officials. The Netanyahu government is known for authoritarianesque actions and this is yet another episode of the theme.
CNN News reports on the statement made by the arrested relatives:
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To read the dull article by CNN News go to:
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Sources: CNN News; BBC News