TechIsrael has pulled out a powerful weapon. It wasn't used for many years

Israel has pulled out a powerful weapon. It wasn't used for many years

Images source: © defence-ua

11:44 AM EDT, October 13, 2023, updated: 5:55 AM EDT, October 14, 2023

The Israeli army has decided to use the M270 MLRS long-range missile system against Hamas. This could be considered a surprising move, as it is a weapon that local military have not used for almost two decades. We remind you of its key features.

The offensive by Hamas militias is forcing the IDF to take less standard actions. These include the use of white phosphorus missiles and the long-unused M270 MLRS. The latter system was used on October 12 Eastern Time to attack Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. This has already been confirmed by representatives of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and recordings of the shelling and its effects are also being published on social media.

Israel has taken the M270 MLRS out of the warehouses

According to data in The Military Balance, Israel currently has over 100 MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) systems of various types, including about 40 M270 MLRS units, but the last documented case of their use was in 2006.

The system consists of a multi-rail launcher, as well as a unit that transports it, which includes, among others, a caterpillar track and an engine with a power of about 500 HP. Thanks to this, it is mobile artillery, its range is up to 311 miles, and its maximum speed reaches 37 mph.

The launcher has been adapted for 227 mm caliber ground-to-ground missiles. The distance at which targets can be struck depends on the type of ammunition used. For example, they can be M30 and M31 missiles with a range of up to about 50 miles, but also MGM-140 ATACMS missiles characterized by the ability to attack objects as far as 186 miles away.

The origins of the M270 MLRS date back to the 80s of the 20th century. It's an American-made weapon that was also used in the armies of NATO member countries. Recently, M270 MLRS systems have been supplied to Ukraine as part of support for the war with Russia.

The M270 MLRS is an older and larger brother of the more modern M142 HIMARS launchers. These are not only lighter (this was one of the main reasons for their production), but also more mobile and effective. The advantage of the M270 MLRS, however, is the ability to carry a greater number of rockets (up to 12, not just six).

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